January and February 2018 Earth Changes and Climate Change update
January and February 2018 Earth Changes and Climate Change update
Climate Change Central Info on Climate Change and Earth Changes #MondayClimateChange
January and February 2018 Earth Changes and Climate Change update
January and February 2018 Earth Changes and Climate Change update
Siener van Rensburg is a South Africa prophet who lived between 3 August 1864 and 11 March 1926. He predicted that a financial crises which was preceded by a great drought and disease in South Africa will lead to a massive protest followed by war. After this war South Africans will take back everything taken by non-South-Africans.
John predicted similar events across the whole earth in Revelations 6 verse 3-8
When He broke the second seal, I heard the second living creature saying, “Come.” And another, a red horse, went out; and to him who sat on it, it was granted to take peace from the earth, and that men would slay one another; and a great sword was given to him.
When He broke the third seal, I heard the third living creature saying, “Come.” I looked, and behold, a black horse; and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard something like a voice in the center of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not damage the oil and the wine.”
When the Lamb broke the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying, “Come.” I looked, and behold, an ashen horse; and he who sat on it had the name Death; and Hades was following with him. Authority was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence and by the wild beasts of the earth.
By now all who follow this blog will know that a period of massive drought is about to come to South Africa due to the solar minimum that we are entering now. A similar period called the little ice age brought Famine, War and the black death to many parts all around the world. Events which sounds very similar to that which was predicted by siener van Rensburg and by John the revelator.
A extended period of drought in South Africa will lead to a financial crash. Due to the weak rand imported food will cost a arm and a leg, adding to it a large disease outbreak, the fact that 1 out of every 6 South African has HIV and you have the perfect ingredients for a total financial crash.
As in Greece after the 2008 financial crash the debtors will tell the government to raise taxes, remove government grants, remove government funded projects and claim anything of value. In South Africa that would be minerals and property.
This is what this current Grand solar minimum can bring to several countries around the world, and millions will be looking for an Saviour. However this is not all during the little ice age there where also an increase in earthquakes, volcanoes, tropical storms, powerful winds and deadly blizzards, but the end result of it all will be a new world order.
During the little ice age the great Zimbabwe kingdom collapsed due to drought, during the Dalton minimum the cape colony invaded the area north of the Orange River in search of gracing due to drought.
In the 1970’s South African scientist warned that South Africa can only produce enough food for 30million people during periods of drought, and said that South African should have smaller families, the ANC during the same period encouraged the black population to have more children in order to remove the Apartheid government by greatly out numbering the white population by having more children.
Today South Africa has 55milion people 25million more then what was calculated that the country can carrier without importing food during periods of drought. Since 2004 South Africa has become a net importer of food and yet South Africa has not endured the drought conditions which occurred during the Dolton and Little ice age.
South Africa has 10yrs which on average are dryer and 10yrs with on average are wetter. During these 10yr cycles there are smaller cycles of drought and rain which are driven by el Niño. Eastern parts of South Africa experience drought during every el Niño cycle weather it is a 10yr drought or rain cycle or not. La Nina brings rains to the eastern halve of South Africa weather it is a drought or wet cycle. The next 10yr drought cycle starts in 2024, and the droughts we had in recent history was due to strong El Niño’s.
During the time frame of 2024 and 2034, South Africa will be placed under massive financial pressure, and if South Africa is not careful we may end up like Greece after 2008 and be financially colonised by our debtors. This could lead to a potential civil war.
Even though this sounds like a vision of Siener Van Rensburg, it can be avoided, by cutting unnecessary government spending, like paying poor people to have babies, downsizing government (less local council members, less parliament members and less provincial parliament members), withdrawing our military from other african countries and so on. More jobs can also be created by cutting working hours from 45 to 36. Yes the pay per person will be lower, but more people will be paid, reducing the amounts of people whom has to steal for food and those whom will depend on government food handouts once 2024 comes rolling in.
Gauteng has run out of water decades ago due to its large population, water from KZN, Lesotho and recycling plants are the only reason why Gauteng has water today, and water from Zimbabwe will be added within the next few years.
The Western Cape is the only province in South Africa which is not controlled by the ANC, as a result the ANC has openly told there followers to migrate to the Western Cape to outnumber the local population in order to take the province during elections, they have also said to the local population, that they should move away, but the local population is currently ignoring them.
As a result the Western Cape is currently growing at a rate of 1million people per year. Unlike Gauteng Cape town has a semi desert to its north, ocean to the west and south, and the water in the east are pumped over the mountain to supply Bloemfontein, Kimberley and Upington with water.
If this current rate of population growth in the Western Cape continues one can expected a total economic collapse in the Western Cape during this mini ice age, unless a super volcano erupts.
SOTT Earth Changes Summary – March 2017: Extreme Weather, Planetary Upheaval, Meteor Fireballs
Planetary environmental chaos continued unabated this month. Several spectacular fireballs were seen from one end of the world to the other. Wildfires ravaged several mid-West states while unusually strong winds hit Illinois and New York. Madagascar got slammed by a ferocious storm as did Brazil, New Zealand and France. Severe flooding hit several parts of the globe, but the worst affected was Peru where dozens of people died and hundreds of thousands have been left with no homes. With freak tidal waves from Iran to South Africa, strange ‘gas’ explosions in the UK and methane gas leaks in Russia, not to mention snow off the coast of Africa and lightning scoring direct strikes on cars, March was a pretty intense month for the planet and its inhabitants.
SOTT Earth Changes Summary – March 2017: Extreme Weather, Planetary Upheaval, Meteor Fireballs
Climate Change Jupiter and Saturn #Adapt2030
Milankovitch theory postulates that periodic variability of Earth’s orbital elements is one of the climate forcing mechanisms. Although controversial, ample geologic evidence supports the role of the Milankovitch cycles in climate, e.g. glacial-interglacial cycles. There are three Milankovitch orbital parameters: orbital eccentricity (main periodicities of ~100,000 and ~400,000 years), precession (quantified as the longitude of perihelion, main periodicities 19,000-24,000 years) and obliquity of the ecliptic (Earth’s axial tilt, main periodicity 41,000 years).
As you can see on the graph below, we are currently at the same orbit and ecliptic where ice ages have started from in the past.
The earth’s ecliptic plain changes due to Jupiter and Saturn pulling on earth each time earth pass their respective orbits. The closer the gas giants are to one another when earth passes the greater the effect on the earth’s orbit around the Sun.
This process takes a long time and as you can see on the graph below earth has slowly being dipping towards an ice age, over the last 8000yrs, with the exception of the last few years during which we have experienced warming. This however means that the this coming cooling period will not only be cold enough to erase the warm period we have just experience but cold enough to continue the downward trend.
Ironically not only do Jupiter and Saturn play a role in Ice Ages they also play a role in Mini Ice ages.
Jupiter and Saturn do not only pull on the earth they also pull on the sun, just like the moon causes tides on earth. This interaction affects solar activity. Low solar activity is associated with mini ice ages and higher solar activity leads to global warming like we have just had.
For a very short summary on this you can follow the link below:
Jupiter Saturn Sun
For the paper itself you can follow the link below:
Jupiter Saturn Sun
Now one has to ask if Jupiter and Saturn plays a role in the earths tilt. Many nations around the world observe sun rise and sun set very carefully, either for religious reasons or for survival reasons.
Many has reported that the sun do not rise and set at the same place anymore. This is true earths tilt is changing. The most common explanation is that the earths tilt changes over 41000years due to the way the earth orbits the sun, but this is not the only way earths tilt is changed.
Earth is always trying to balance itself, any change in weight distribution, will result in earthquakes, volcanic activity, and a change in the earths tilt.
The recent ice melt in Greenland and Antarctica due to geothermal activity changed the earths balance drastically. This lead to a change in the earths tilt, and as a result, multiple reports of the sun rising at the wrong location at the wrong time of the year.
For more on Antarctica ice melt you can follow the link below:
Antarctica ice melt
For more on Greenland ice melt you can follow this link below:
Greenland ice melt
For more on the earths tilt changing due to weight you can follow the link below
(Please note the writer of the article below clearly did not read the two articles linked above):
Climate Changing the tilt
To recap Jupiter and Saturn changes earth’s climate by affects the earth’s orbit around the sun, earth’s largest energy source, and by effecting the solar cycles. In return the changing climate leads to a new distribution of weight which leads to earthquakes, volcanic activity and changes in earth’s tilt.
It is well documented that during low solar activity periods there is a raise in seismic activity, more geothermal activity, more earthquakes and yes more volcanic erupts. For more on this subject you can watch the video below:
Adapt 2030
Or buy this book
Upheaval by John Casey
The Climate and Earth changes wakeup to Reality Playlist
Earth Changes and Climate Change
Climate Change how South Africa will change the world
Based on stalagmite growth, Banto migrations, the Zimbabwe Empire, records of farmer interactions with the Tswana tribes north of the Orange River and entries in the journal of Winston Churchill, the following conclusions was made:
Spring rainfall will slightly increase in Kwa-Zulu-Natal
Summer drought years will increase in intensity and length
Summer rain years will become shorter, but more intense.
Winter rainfall will increase country wide, but will mostly be concentrated in the south west.
Snowfall events will increase nationwide; however it will be mostly concentrated on high elevations.
The winds of the Western Cape and the skeleton coast will once again live up to their historically past strength, the colder the world gets the stronger the winds will become.
Cold periods in the past were not very kind to earlier, cattle and sheep based settlers in South-Africa. It let to the Boers breaking their agreement with the Tswana in the early 1800’s when they invaded the territory north of the Orange River in search of gracing. It triggered the fall of the once great Zimbabwe empire, some Banto tribes whom came from Uganda even turned back, to escape the harsh South African climate during cold spells.
Scientist studying global warming came to South Africa to analyse the effects of global warming on the ocean conveyor belt. In a warming world, the Agulhas Current should became thinner and faster as the Cold Benguela Current retreats. That is exactly what they expected to find, but the world is not warming and that is not what they physically found. Instead the Benguela Current is expanding since the world is not warming but cooling and the Agulhas Current is becoming thicker and more unstable. If this treat continues, as many expect it would, the world’s ocean conveyor belt will split in two, The stronger and warmer Indian and pacific ocean conveyor belt and the weaker and colder Atlantic ocean conveyor belt system.
This will trigger extreme cold weather in Europe and more intense flooding events in the eastern part of the planet. These new weather patterns will change the weight distribution around the planet and can lead to an increase in seismic activity worldwide, which can potentially in the form of volcanic eruptions lead to even more cooling.
Angelic Universe The weird and wonderful Earth Changes is updated periodically giving you a periodical look at earth changes around the world from the authors point of view.
Angelic Universe Earth Changes and Climate Change Volcanoes, tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes and other natural disasters.