South Africa Climate Change 2024

During the little ice age the great Zimbabwe kingdom collapsed due to drought, during the Dalton minimum the cape colony invaded the area north of the Orange River in search of gracing due to drought.
In the 1970’s South African scientist warned that South Africa can only produce enough food for 30million people during periods of drought, and said that South African should have smaller families, the ANC during the same period encouraged the black population to have more children in order to remove the Apartheid government by greatly out numbering the white population by having more children.
Today South Africa has 55milion people 25million more then what was calculated that the country can carrier without importing food during periods of drought. Since 2004 South Africa has become a net importer of food and yet South Africa has not endured the drought conditions which occurred during the Dolton and Little ice age.
South Africa has 10yrs which on average are dryer and 10yrs with on average are wetter. During these 10yr cycles there are smaller cycles of drought and rain which are driven by el Niño. Eastern parts of South Africa experience drought during every el Niño cycle weather it is a 10yr drought or rain cycle or not. La Nina brings rains to the eastern halve of South Africa weather it is a drought or wet cycle. The next 10yr drought cycle starts in 2024, and the droughts we had in recent history was due to strong El Niño’s.
During the time frame of 2024 and 2034, South Africa will be placed under massive financial pressure, and if South Africa is not careful we may end up like Greece after 2008 and be financially colonised by our debtors. This could lead to a potential civil war.
Even though this sounds like a vision of Siener Van Rensburg, it can be avoided, by cutting unnecessary government spending, like paying poor people to have babies, downsizing government (less local council members, less parliament members and less provincial parliament members), withdrawing our military from other african countries and so on. More jobs can also be created by cutting working hours from 45 to 36. Yes the pay per person will be lower, but more people will be paid, reducing the amounts of people whom has to steal for food and those whom will depend on government food handouts once 2024 comes rolling in.

Cape Town water crises.

Gauteng has run out of water decades ago due to its large population, water from KZN, Lesotho and recycling plants are the only reason why Gauteng has water today, and water from Zimbabwe will be added within the next few years.
The Western Cape is the only province in South Africa which is not controlled by the ANC, as a result the ANC has openly told there followers to migrate to the Western Cape to outnumber the local population in order to take the province during elections, they have also said to the local population, that they should move away, but the local population is currently ignoring them.
As a result the Western Cape is currently growing at a rate of 1million people per year. Unlike Gauteng Cape town has a semi desert to its north, ocean to the west and south, and the water in the east are pumped over the mountain to supply Bloemfontein, Kimberley and Upington with water.
If this current rate of population growth in the Western Cape continues one can expected a total economic collapse in the Western Cape during this mini ice age, unless a super volcano erupts.

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