The Book of Enoch chapter 48 salvation has been determined before the earth was made #FSBT

In the restored version of the book of enoch chapter 48 It is revealed to Enoch that the name of Jesus Christ and those whom will be saved was invoked before God at the begining, even before the earth was made.

Keywords: SalvationSavedSaveearthbeginning, The Son of man, The Chosen One, The Saviour, The Sacrife, the Concealed One

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The book of Enoch
Faith Saturday Bible Translation #FSBT

The Book of Enoch is an ancient Jewish religious work, ascribed by tradition to Enoch, the great-grandfather of Noah. Many Christian scholars believe Enoch live about 5036years ago calculated from 2019, while science claim that there was a big flooding event 8000years ago which means Enoch had to have lived more than 8000yrs ago, those whom believe in ancient aliens theory believe aliens or as Enoch says fallen angles visited the earth as far back as 12000yrs ago in either case the works of Enoch is ancient. Many scholars believe Enoch wrote as much as 75 books, most of which has been lost through the ages. There are many versions of the book of Enoch available online today; this one is a combination of 7 that would make it the most complete biblical version of the book of Enoch available today. Book of Enoch Chapter Index

The Book of Enoch chapter 48

Book of Enoch Chapter 48 salvation has been determined before the earth was made #FSBT

Keywords: SalvationSavedSaveearthbeginning, The Son of man, The Chosen One, The Saviour, The Sacrife, the Concealed One

The Gospel of Messiah #FSBT Parables / Jou daaglikse bybel vers / Your random Bible message / Christian gospel music worship songs / The book of Enoch #FSBT / Bible verse for the day the way of Thy judgments

1 In that place I beheld a fountain of righteousness, which never failed, encircled by many springs of wisdom. Of these all the thirsty drank, and were filled with wisdom, having their habitation with the righteous, the elect, and the holy.

2 In that hour they knew this, that The Son of man, whom is The Chosen One, and The Saviour, and The Sacrife, and the Concealed One was invoked before the Lord of spirits, and His name in the presence of the Ancient of days.

3 Before the sun and the signs were created, before the stars of heaven were formed, His name was invoked in the presence of the Lord of spirits. A support shall He be for the righteous and the holy to lean upon, without falling; and He shall be the light of nations.

4 He shall be the hope of those whose hearts are troubled. All, who dwell on earth, shall fall down and worship before Him; shall bless and glorify Him, and sing praises to the name of the Lord of spirits.

5 Therefore the Elect and the Concealed One existed in His presence, before the world was created, and for ever.

6 In His presence He existed, and has revealed to the saints and to the righteous the wisdom of the Lord of spirits; for He will preserved the lot of the righteous, because they have hated and rejected this world of iniquity, and have detested all its works and ways, in the name of the Lord of spirits.

7 For in His name shall they be preserved; and His will shall be their life. In those days shall the kings of the earth and the mighty men, who have gained the world by their achievements, become humble in countenance.

8 For in the day of their anxiety and trouble their souls shall not be saved; and they shall be in subjection to those whom The Lord of Spirits have chosen.

9 He will cast them like hay into the fire, and like lead into the water. Thus shall they burn in the presence of the righteous, and sink in the presence of the holy; nor shall a tenth part of them be found.

10 But in the day of their trouble, the world shall obtain tranquillity.

11 In His presence shall they fall, and not be raised up again; nor shall there be any one to take them out of His hands, and to lift them up: for they have denied the Lord of spirits, and His Messiah, His saviour, His sacrifice. The name of the Lord of spirits shall be blessed.

12 Wisdom is poured forth like water, and glory fails not before Him for ever and ever; for potent is He in all the secrets of righteousness.

13 But iniquity passes away like a shadow, and possesses not a fixed station: for the Elect One, The Saviour, The Sacrifice stands before the Lord of spirits; and his glory is for ever and ever; and his power from generation to generation.

14 With Him dwells the spirit of intellectual wisdom, the spirit of instruction and of power, and the spirit of those who sleep in righteousness; He shall judge secret things.

15 Nor shall any be able to utter a single word before Him; for the Elect One, The Saviour and The Scarifice is in the presence of the Lord of Spirits, according to his own pleasure.

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Book of, Enoch, Chapter 48, Salvation, Saved, Save, earth, beginning, The Son of man, The Chosen One, The Saviour, The Sacrife, the Concealed One, #FSBT

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End times Armageddon Saints judgement

Keywords: SalvationSavedSaveearthbeginning, The Son of man, The Chosen One, The Saviour, The Sacrife, the Concealed One

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