Prayer of Blessings

Prayer of Blessings

Lord be with my family and friends
Guide them in the spirit according to your will
Give them peace, healing and insight of you.
Make known to them your love for them.

Give them the spirit of insight,
so that they may know,
what is of you and what is not,

Lord protect and bless
my family and friends,
turn their hearts to you
so that they will be with you
and seek your conceal.

Lord be with those
whom you have called
as watchmen or as prophets
so that they may see
and warn against
which is true for the age.

Lord be with those
whom has less them me,
those whom struggle in the spirit
and in the physical,
bless them and guide them
give them hope and strengh
so that they may know that you are
with them.

Lord work in the hearts of those
whom has plenty,
so that they may help those whom has
Lord let those whom have
seek you and your will,
so that their hearts can be turned,
to the poor and those whom struggle.

Lord I ask that you will expose
all that is hidden and discused in back door deals,
so that we will know,
who are for us and who are against us.

Lord make your will known to men,
and let them see
that your will is greater then any will of man.

Let your kindness rain upon this world, my father
in heaven, so that ever soul will turn away from evil and
see your heavenly love.

I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ
whom has spilt his blood for me.

Thank you Father


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